We Are Not Clones


We Are Not Clones: Stop Treating Us Like We’re The Same

Jango Fett was a great bounty hunter. That’s why he was chosen to be the template for the Clone Troopers.

The Clones were created using an assembly-line approach by the Kaminoans. From birth to adulthood, the clones training was the same for legion upon legion of soldiers. The Kaminoans were able to feed them, educate them and get them all to think and act the same because they were a copy of one person.

We are not clones. We are all unique and one size does NOT fit all.

One Body with Many Members

For those that are inside the Church, we are described as being one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) but we are many parts.

Why do so many churches, pastors, ministers, teachers try to get us to do ministry in basically the same way?

We represent different skills, abilities, talents, backgrounds, etc.

Why not look at how we are wired and do life/ministry that way?

16 Is More Than 1

Even though my wife is the math wiz in our family, I know that 16 is more than 1. It’s also more than 2 or 3 or 4.

Typically we group people in to one of three to four type of groups when it comes to how we minister.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most popular (and criticized) personality tests out there. It purports to help assess how people perceive the world and make decisions.

A while back, I came across an infographic by Jenny over at Geek in Heels showing the different Myers-Briggs types in a chart using Star Wars characters.

While neither she nor I claim to be certified administrators of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), we can certainly draw form the wealth of information out there concerning the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Star Wars.

In the infographic here we can see the 16 types in the MBTI and how Jenny helped to identify characters by their MBTI personality type. While some take issue with Myers-Briggs in general,

Most people know their four-letter type. I’m an ISTJ (The Inspector). In this case, also known as Uncle Owen.

Helping To Connect With People

I wanted to take a look at how we might witness to people based on our personality types and theirs.

As a Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging person, I am going to interact with someone very differently than my Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving counterpart would.

As an introvert person, I do not do well in large groups. They drain me. If I am to witness, it will be done in a one on one setting.

Do You Know Your Type?

So join with me over the next 16 posts we’ll be looking at the MBTI type, the Star Wars character assigned to this type, some strengths and weakness of this type, and how to reach a non-believer who is this type and also how to disciple a believer based on their type.

Do you know your type? If so, leave it in the comments below and tell me if you agree with the Star Wars character assigned to that type as well.

If you don’t know your type, try this free assessment. It should take about 10-15 minutes.

Who is your favorite Star Wars character? Check out who I think is the best Star Wars character here.