As Kylo Ren confronts Lor San Tekka at the beginning of TFA, Kylo threatens him by saying, “I will show you the Dark side.” Lor...Continue reading
Come with me. It’s the only way.
After what may be considered the best reveal in movie history, Darth Vader tries to turn Luke to the Dark Side. As a one-handed Luke...Continue reading
Over my dead body
After agreeing to take Obi-Wan, Luke, and the droids to Alderaan, Han meets up with the bounty hunter Greedo who tells Han that “Jabba’s put...Continue reading
Why didn’t you tell me?
After Yoda died in ROTJ, Luke leaves Yoda’s hut and heads back towards his X-wing. Talking to R2, Luke tells the droid that he cannot...Continue reading
This deal is getting worse all the time
In ESB, Lando had the misfortune of deciding what to do when the Empire and Han arrive on Bespin. As the Administrator of Cloud City,...Continue reading
I’m not very optimistic about our odds
In Rogue, right after the Empire tested a single reactor ignition of the Death Star’s laser, Cassian, K-2SO, Jyn, and company are trying to escape...Continue reading