In A New Hope, as the others are preparing for the assault on the Death Star, Leia meets up with a depressed-looking Luke. She asks...Continue reading
Category: Devotional
Trust the Force
In Rogue One, when Director Krennic and his Death Troopers arrived at Galen Erso’s homestead, Galen sets in motion plans to have his wife and...Continue reading
You must repair him!
After Luke destroys the first Death Star and lands back on Yavin, R2D2 is pulled out of Luke’s X-Wing, and C3PO is horrified. Speaking first...Continue reading
I see through the cracks in your mask. You’re haunted.
In The Rise Of Skywalker, Rey feels a tugging on her through the Force. She walks towards the edge of the Aki-Aki Festival of the...Continue reading
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
During their duel aboard the Death Star in A New Hope, Darth Vader and Obi-Wan pick up from where they left off in Revenge of...Continue reading
This isn’t gonna be easy.
As Han leads the small team on Endor to take down the second Death Star’s shield generator, Leia tells him, “The main entrance to the...Continue reading