Do You Tell This Lie?


The LIE most often told by Christians is in response to ā€œHow are you?ā€

We say “fine.” Even if our world is falling apart.

When we read Galatians 6:2(ESV), we are told to ā€œbear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.ā€

What Christ wants in a follower is someone who isn’t pretending on the outside to have it all together.

The Star Wars Setting:

Luke and Han have been captured by Jabba the Hutt and have been summoned before him to ā€œsuffer for this outrageā€.
The outrage could be Lukeā€™s killing of the Rancor or Leiaā€™s freeing of Han from the carbonite. We donā€™t know.

What we do know is that Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, and the droids are in trouble.
Instead of answering truthfully, we have this exchange between Luke and Han.


LUKE: Han!
HAN: Luke!
LUKE: Are you all right?
HAN: Fine. Together again, huh?
LUKE: Wouldn’t miss it.
HAN: How are we doing?
LUKE: The same as always.
HAN:That bad, huh?

Our Setting:

How many of us are struggling? A lot of us.

How many are willing to admit it? Not many.

If things are not fine, donā€™t say they are. You donā€™t need to spill your guts to every one that asks, but be honest with them. Especially if they are a fellow believer. If things are tough, you can answer that you could use some prayer.

How do you handle the question of how you are doing, when in fact you are not doing fine?

Please leave your response in the comments below.