He’s more machine now than man twisted and evil

Obi-Wan wrote Anakin (Darth Vader) off, believing that Vader was unredeemable. Luke still held out hope, telling Obi-Wan, “There is still good in him.”

While we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, no one is beyond saving since anyone who believes Jesus is God’s Son and calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (see Romans 10:13, Acts 2:21, and Acts 4:11-12).

So why do so many people avoid sharing their faith?

1. “It’s not my job. That’s the job of the minister/pastor.” If this is your excuse, read Ephesians 4:11-12.

2. “I live out the gospel in my life, so people will see that I’m different and ask me why. Then I’ll share.” If this is your excuse, read Romans 10:14.

3. “I’m waiting for the perfect timing.” If this is your excuse, read Colossians 4:5.

4. “I don’t have the gift of evangelism.” If this is your excuse, read Matthew 28:19-20.

5. “What if they reject me and what I’m saying?” If this is your excuse, read Luke 10:16.

6. “I have bad breath/body odor/I stutter.” If this is your excuse, read Exodus 4:10.

7. “I don’t know how to bring it up without it being awkward.” If this is your excuse, read Acts 20:7-12 and Acts 17:22-34.

8. “I’m scared.”  If this is your excuse, read 1 John 4:18.

9. “What if I’m asked a question I can’t answer?” If this is your excuse, read Luke 12:11-12.

10. “All my friends and family already go to church.” If this is your excuse, read Acts 1:8.

11. “I don’t want to sound bigoted or narrow-minded.” If this is your excuse, read John 14:6 and Matthew 7:13.

12. “I don’t have time.” If this is your excuse, read Ephesians 5:15-16.