Take A STAR WARS Approach To Evangelism

Church attendance is down.

People are not evangelizing.

Society is more Biblical illiterate than it has been in generations.

It is said that 90% of teens* will not return to church by the time they are sophomores in college.

According to a Pew Research report, “More Americans now say they’re spiritual but not religious”, so that“[m]any in the ‘spiritual but not religious’ category have low levels of religious observance, saying they seldom or never attend religious services.”

What Are We To Do?

We might need to make drastic changes. We might need to think seriously about listening to what Kylo Ren said in the Last Jedi, “Let the past die. Kill it if you have to. That’s the only way to become what you were meant to be.”

What is the past?
The past I speak of is the same way we’ve been “doing church” for the last 100-150 years.

We are NOT to water down the Gospel.

But we are to do what Jesus did, go to where hurting people are and talk to them in stories that they understand.

The STAR WARS Approach To Evangelism

Since it launched in 1977, Star Wars has been a cultural phenomenon.

Since Disney spent more than $4 BILLION to buy it, we can expect Star Wars movies and animated shows for the next decade or so.

Therefore, we should use Star Wars in our evangelism.

By that, I mean S.T.A.R. W.A.R.S.

S= scene/story that tells the appropriate

Jesus’ use of parables and stories is seen in all the Gospels.

In trying to explain the spiritual, Jesus used the allegories or parables that His listener could relate to and understand. While many didn’t always understand the spiritual nature of what He was saying, they could follow the story.

T= transformational truth

Jesus did not tell stories just for fun. He did so in order to explain a transformational spiritual truth.

When we use Star Wars share our faith, we need to be purposeful and connect the scene/story to a transformational spiritual truth.

A= action taken in the scene (a thing done.)

Jesus’ stories had an action that was being done. The action of the person led to something getting done, whether what was accomplished was good or bad would help steer the conversation.

There are plenty of Star Wars quotes and scenes we can use to start a conversation.

R= result(a consequence, effect, or outcome of something.)

The result of what happened in the Star Wars theme or the quote use, can highlight a result we do or do not want.

W= “why does this matter”

Asking the question of “why does this matter” is an important question to ask.

Often we don’t stop to consider what is happening and what the ramifications are.

A= Applications, how does it apply to our lives (the action of putting something into operation.)

Stories can entertain but more often than not, they are used as a cautionary tale or a prescriptive story. We want to do or not do certain actions or hold certain points of view.

R= Results we want(a consequence, effect, or outcome of something.)

When talking about the Star Wars scene, the transformational truth, action taken or not, and the result, we are able to affirm the situation or use it as a cautionary tale.

S= Solutions we want (a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.)

We are then able to use the situation being discussed to provide the solution we want based on what Scripture prescribes or condemns.

What Will You Do?

Will you use Star Wars to share your faith?
It is fairly simple to do.

If you wish to join me in using Star Wars to share the faith, please consider purchasing the daily devotion I am published in November 2019.


The Present Future: Six Tough Questions for the Church; Jossey-Bass, San Francisco (2009) Book Findings: 90% of youth active in high school church programs drop out of church by the time they are sophomores in college.