The Force will be with you. Always!

To escape from the Death Star, Obi-Wan decides to go and shut down the power at one of the seven power terminals.

Before he leaves, he tells Luke, “They [the droids] must be delivered safely, or other star systems will suffer the same fate as Alderaan. Your destiny lies along a different path than mine. The Force will be with you. Always!”

With those words, Obi-Wan leaves Luke and will not speak to him again until after Obi-Wan’s death.

Luke did not want to let Obi-Wan go on alone. Was it because he feared Obi-Wan was going to die?

The disciples, especially Peter, did not want Jesus to go on alone and face certain death. In Matthew 16:21-23, we read about Peter being called Satan because he did not want Jesus to suffer and die under the elders, chief priests, and scribes.

Then, in Matthew 26:30-35, we read how Jesus foresaw Peter’s denial and told him about it. Peter emphatically denied that he would ever do that (verse 35), but in verses 69 to 75, we see Peter do just that.

In John 21, we read about Jesus appearing to the disciples and how Jesus “reinstates” Peter (verses 15-19).

We also see after Jesus’ resurrection, “He presented Himself alive to them [the apostles] after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3).

Jesus promised in Matthew 28:20 that He would be with His disciples (which include us) to the end of the age.

And now, as believers in Christ, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as Paul tells us in Romans 8:9-11.

Like Luke, the disciples stayed behind and delivered a message that would radically change our world.

How can we share the good news of the Gospel message today?