Your Focus Determines Your Reality


Qui-Gon was right when he said that “your focus determines your reality.”

People that focus on the positive, can see medical improvements1.

People that focus on the negative see bad things and bad intentions every where.

Earl Nightingale was spot on saying “We become what we think about.”

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What would have if, instead of focusing on the worldly, the temporal or the ungodly, we started to focus on what Paul exhorted us to focus on?

Whatever is honorable, …just, … pure, …lovely, …is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,think about these things. Philippians 4:8

How would your life be better if you started to think about honorable things? Would that help you overcome lustful, greedy, or covetous thoughts?

Would the world become more just, if more people thought justly?

Would you draw closer to God if you were more pure in mind and heart? Matthew 5:8(ESV) promises “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”

How might people respond to you if you were more loving? More lovely?

What would God call commendable? Think and do these things.

If we become what we think about, would you not want to be excellent and praiseworthy? I know I want to be both of these.

What will you start thinking about today?

1 Comment

  1. Effie BarbaJune 12, 2015

    Beautifully said

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