In AOTC, the opening scene shows the attempted assassination of Senator Amidala. When inside the Chancellor’s office, Padmé speculates that Count Dooku was behind the...Continue reading
What could you give me?
As TROS begins, Kylo Ren encounters the resurrected Emperor. Palpatine explains how he was the one manipulating everything in Kylo’s life. Palpatine claims to have...Continue reading
You can stand to see the Imperial flag reign across the galaxy?
The beginning of Rogue showed that Jyn Erso’s life was filled with tragedy. Later we hear that her life also included a multitude of crimes...Continue reading
He’s more machine now than man twisted and evil
Obi-Wan wrote Anakin (Darth Vader) off, believing that Vader was unredeemable. Luke still held out hope, telling Obi-Wan, “There is still good in him.” While...Continue reading
That just wouldn’t be proper
In ROTJ, the Ewoks have captured Han, Luke, Chewie, C3PO, and R2. Using his vast linguistic abilities, C3PO explains to the group that the Ewoks...Continue reading
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.
After failing to lift his sunken X-Wing out of the swamp, Luke tells Yoda that the ship was too big. Yoda criticizes Luke’s thinking and...Continue reading