In Empire Strikes Back, Lando had the misfortune of deciding what to do when the Empire and Han arrive on Bespin. As the Administrator of...Continue reading
Anakin and Agape Love
When Anakin brought Qui-Gon and company back to his home, they met his mother Shmi and it was revealed they were on an important mission...Continue reading
Are Bothans Star War’s Martyrs?
By destroying the first Death Star, the Rebellion dealt a severe blow to the Empire in A New Hope. Four years later in Return of...Continue reading
How To Deal With Pain
Having just finished recalibrating the Jedi signal warning surviving Jedi to avoid the Temple, Obi-Wan stops to view to security recordings to in order to...Continue reading
How L3-37 Squares With Scripture
The latest droid sidekick we are introduced to in Solo is Lando’s First Mate L3-37, or L3 for short. The droid’s programming gives her a...Continue reading
90 Han Solo Quotes From A New Hope
One of the most famous scoundrels in the galaxy of film is the beloved Han Solo. While the Solo spin-off movie was a dud at...Continue reading