After returning home with the money Anakin received from selling his pod, Qui-Gon announces that Anakin has been freed. Shmi asks, "Will you take him...Continue reading
Category: The Phantom Menace
He owes me what you call a ‘life-debt.’
After Jar Jar Binks has taken Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the Gungan city, they go before Boss Nass. After arranging transportation to the capital city...Continue reading
It’s a hard life.
After his podrace win, Anakin was freed by Watto. Shmi asks if he is to become a Jedi. Qui-Gon agrees. Qui-Gon kneels next to him...Continue reading
It is to be commended. What is its number?
In TPM, the Queen narrowly escapes from Naboo. During the escape, her starship’s shield generator suffers damage trying to get through the Federation’s blockade. A...Continue reading
But not at the expense of the moment
Early in TPM, Obi-Wan Kenobi utters the famous Star Wars line, “I have a bad feeling about this.” After a quick exchange, Qui-Gon eventually tells...Continue reading
Afraid to lose her
During his interview with the Jedi Council in TPM, Anakin expresses that he misses his mother and is upset by the Council’s response. When Yoda...Continue reading