Dreams pass in time

While guarding Senator Amidala, Obi-Wan and Anakin discuss how tired Anakin looks. Anakin shares that he does not sleep well because he is dreaming about his mother.

Obi-Wan replies, “Dreams pass in time.”

In a reply that shocks Obi-Wan, Anakin admits, “I’d much rather dream of Padmé. Just being around her again is… intoxicating.”

Obi-Wan warns him, “Be mindful of your thoughts, Anakin; they betray you. You’ve made a commitment to the Jedi order, a commitment not easily broken.”

The Apostle Paul had a deep commitment to Jesus and to the faith.

How do we know? 2 Corinthians 11:16-33 tells us about the trouble and trials Paul went through because of his faith and the fact that he would not stop preaching the Gospel.

  • He received 39 lashings (from a whip) from the Jews.
  • He was beaten with rods three times.
  • He was stoned once.
  • He was shipwrecked three times.
  • He was adrift at sea for a day and night.
  • He dealt with hungry, thirst, and faced the cold and exposure.
  • He faced danger from false brothers.
  • Once he had to be let down in a basket through a window in the wall and escaped the hands of the Damascus governor.

Paul was undoubtedly able to live out James 1:2, where James admonishes us to “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.”

We should take inventory today to see how deep our commitment to Jesus and to the faith is, because we are sure to face trials and testings of our faith.