This weapon is your life

In AOTC, As Anakin was chasing the would-be assassin. He loses his lightsaber as he tried to cut into the assassin’s speeder. As it fell, Obi-Wan caught it.

Arriving outside the nightclub, Obi-Wan tries to calm Anakin down and get him to use the Force.

Obi-Wan then returns Anakin’s lightsaber to him and reminds Anakin, “This weapon is your life.” While Obi-Wan was referring to Anakin’s lightsaber, for Christians, the Bible, the Word of God, needs to be our life.

Paul lists the full armor of God in Ephesians 6. In Ephesians 6:17b, he lists the only offensive weapon, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Psalm 119:105 records that “Your [God’s]word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

That makes the word of God a light sword or a lightsaber.

Later on, we see Yoda teaching the Younglings how to use lightsabers. As believers, starting our children learning and memorizing Scripture is something we should do.

How many of us can recite most, if not all, of the Star Wars movies as we watch them?

Now look at the hundreds of lines we know from movies and compare that to the number of Scriptures we know.

For many of us, we know more about Star Wars than Scripture.

What can we do about it? We can become more consistent in reading our Bibles.

Not in a “you should do this, or you’re going to hell” way. But in the way that we watch and rewatch Star Wars. We do it for the love of it.

Think about what passages of Scripture would be easy to start with and start today.