Oh, funny he never mentioned it.

In TROS, Zorrii makes it clear that Poe had a less-than-stellar background. When she first meets Poe and his friends, she remarks, “Oh, funny he never mentioned it. Your friend’s old job was running spice.”

Poe, Finn, and Rey trade barbs about their backgrounds being less than favorable since they had been a spice runner, a stormtrooper, and a scavenger.

They are not the most moral group of people. This group of criminals had turned from their ways to fight against evil and now fight for what was right.

They were not the first group of criminals and sinners to be used to get a message out.

God can and does use anyone, and even at times a donkey (Number 22:28), to spread His message and bring about the changes He wants.

Look at some of the “imperfect” people God has used in Scripture to spread His message.

Abraham lied. He did so multiple times. Genesis 12:11-13; 20:1-2. Moses was a murderer and stuttered. Exodus 2:11-15; 4:10. Hosea’s wife was a prostitute, Hosea 1:2. Lazarus was dead, John 11:1-44. Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal, Jeremiah 20:1-11a.

What did all these have in common? They all had sinned but had a relationship with God, who forgave them.

We need to go and share our story of God in our lives. We will be able to bring hope to people in need.

When we look back at some of the people mentioned in Hebrews 11, the “Hall of Faith,” we see people that did not always make the best choices.

Today, let us thank God that He has called us to be one of His own and to share the Gospel with others. Let us tell the world today. Everyone needs the saving message of Jesus.