Be with Me

Laying on the ground, Rey looks up to see the Force lightning Palpatine has unleashed, destroying the Resistance fighters.

Three times she whispers aloud, “Be with me.”

Soon she begins to hear various Jedi reply to her with encouraging words. The last voice to speak to her is Luke. He tells her, “Rey, the Force will be with you, always.”

Rey groans to her feet, calls her lightsaber to her and rises.

Palpatine attacks Rey with Force lighting, which she blocks with her lightsaber. Palpatine tells Rey that she is nothing as he intensifies his attack.

Rey responds to Palpatine’s claim that he is “all the Sith” by saying, “I’m all the Jedi,” and then uses two lightsabers to push the Force lightning back into Palpatine, destroying him.

Rey used her lightsabers to defend herself. We have seen before that Paul describes in Ephesians 6:17 that “the sword of the Spirit” is the word of God. Psalms 119:105 tells us, “[God’s] word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Scripture, therefore, is both light and a sword. That makes Scripture like a lightsaber.

Rey’s use of her lightsaber and the power of claiming that she is “all the Jedi” is reminiscent of what the Apostle John told his audience in 1 John 4:4b. “For He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”

When we are faced with evil in this world, we need to respond with Scripture and in the power of God.

Jesus defeated Satan’s temptations by replying with Scripture.

By spending time in God’s Word, we can be like the psalmist who wrote in Psalm 119:11, “I have stored up Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”

We will face trials, James 1:2, but we will never be alone. Jesus promised to be with us to the end of the age, Matthew 28:20.