Top Ten Star Wars Quotes From The Original Trilogy To Use in Everyday Situations


There are so many great quotes or one-liners from the the original Star Wars trilogy that it was difficult to narrow it down to just 10.

Only those lines that could be used in their entirety where in consideration.

Lines such ā€œUse the Force, Lukeā€ didn’t make the cut since you might not be talking to someone names Luke.

#10 ā€œYou Just Watch Yourselfā€

Episode IV: A New Hope ~Dr. Evazan:

While you might not have the death sentence on 12 systems, you might find yourself add that next line to this quote anyway since we all deal with annoying people from time to time.

#9 ā€œIā€™m Glad Youā€™re Here to Tell us These Thingsā€

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back ~Han Solo

We all seem to have a Mr. or Mrs. Know-It-All that insists on telling us the most obvious of things. Why not share how glad you are that they are in your life.

#8 ā€œWhat a Piece of Junk!ā€

Episode IV: A New Hope ~Luke Skywalker

Anyone that has ever worked in a corporate office knows that it takes a long time for the powers that be to upgrade office technology. Whether it’s your PC still running on XP or a fax machine that still uses thermal paper, this line can easily be used.

Alternative situations that we can use this line is when dealing with cars or other “classic” items in our lives.

#7 ā€œDo or Do Not. There is No Tryā€

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back ~Yoda

Used best when anyone uses the word “try.” This is especially useful when you ask someone to do something for you and they tell you that they will try.

#6 ā€œI Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbingā€

Episode IV: A New Hope ~Darth Vader

For those that have a difficult time seeing the possibilities in life, we can let these naysayers know what we think of their pessimism.

#5 ā€œIā€™ve Got a Bad Feeling About Thisā€

Episode IV: A New Hope, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Episode VI: Return of The Jedi

This line is used in all 7 movies, so it deserves to be on the list.

For those of use that can see the flaws in things just before they happen, this is a must use line.

#4 “This Is an Unexpected Pleasure.”

Episode VI: Return of The Jedi! ~Moff Jerjerrod

You don’t need to be Moff Jerjerrod to use this line. Whether someone important like Lord Vader or just a friend pops in to say high, you can use this line in all seriousness or with a bit of tongue and check to welcome them.

#3 ā€œImpressive. Most Impressive.ā€

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back ~Darth Vader

We all have made the mistake of underestimating someone or some company. When they come through at a level higher than we imagined they could perform at, this line comes to mind.

Often I use this when teaching an under belt a new kick or strike. For those that pick up quickly and they hit the pad with speed and power, I applaud their talents with my best Vader voice.

#2 ā€œItā€™s a Trap!ā€

Episode VI: Return of The Jedi ~Admiral Ackbar

If your boss comes up to you and a co-worker and asks if you are busy, you know it’s a trap. Be careful saying this one out loud in that situation.

Another time that to use this is when someone tells you that they don’t need you to do anything for them and you can continue to sit there watching TV with your buddies. Warn your friend that they are in danger.

#1 ā€œNoā€¦ I Am Your Fatherā€

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back ~Darth Vader

Ok. This only works if you have kids. Since I do, this is one of my favorites to use around the house. It makes my three girls laugh and cry at the same time. Usually they are asking me to do something and I say “no.” They ask why and I finish the conversation with “I am your father.”

Did I Miss Any?

How’d I do? Did I miss any you would add to the list?

Let me know in the comments below your favorite line from the original trilogy to use in everyday situations.


  1. KalaniJune 11, 2016

    Add Han Solo’s “Never tell me the odds,”!

    1. EricJune 11, 2016

      Thanks Kalani. That one certainly can be used. I know there are people that feel the need to let us know how impossible something is to do.

      I think that quote from Han will start being used with his The Force Awaken’s quote of “I never ask that question ’till after I’ve done it.”

      Han was a brash one and didn’t care about the odds.

  2. ChristinaJune 21, 2016

    Yoda: Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter.

    1. EricJune 22, 2016

      While I do like this quote, how would you work it into an everyday situation?

  3. StefanJuly 6, 2016

    I use “You’ve taken your first step into a larger world” all the time.

    1. EricJuly 6, 2016

      Thank you Maestro for your comment. From your site I see you are a composer, arranger, and orchestrator. Do you use that quote with the musicians or others?

  4. AndrewMarch 9, 2017

    I can’t recall why, but Obi-Wan’s line has come to mind a couple of times in the last few weeks: “Your eyes can deceive you. Don’t trust them.”

    1. EricMarch 9, 2017

      This is one of my favorites. Maybe with all the hype in the news about seeing things that may or may not be there, your subconscious picked up on the connection between not always being able to trust what you see.

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